Wednesday 25 June 2008

Zen's Character Concepts

Ok, as requested by Ben I've scanned a page from my sketchbook to show some character concepts that we came up with during Annecy (please ignore the random, irrelevant doodles in the middle and bottom left). We were pretty unclear about the look of the nose, and at the time Ben and I were keen on having simplified eyes with no lines underneath the pupils. We also thought that long hair might suit the character. The final character will probably look nothing like this one, but perhaps certain elements of it could be incorporated (or not).

Here Ive made some little sketches of a possible style and look for the main character. I've gone for a more cartoony look with slightly anime-inspired eyes. I think this style has a nice simplicity while retaining a sense of character with acting possibilities.


Keith said...

Cool concepts Zen, I like the simplified versions. Though I do like the eyes of the top ones, without the bottom line. It goes with the chinese style and looks nicer I think.
Hey Ben, what's the boy's and girl's age? I'm just doodling them as late teens i.e 18 or 19 is that right?
I like the big ears thing, compliments the shapes well. In many old Chinese paintings, they often leave out drawing the nose which I quite like the look of, so no to maybe a hint of nose would suite the film quite well I'd say.

Ben Ho said...

Cheers Zenny boy!
Hehe, I said we might go for the eye style with the bottom line included because I did a rough test with colours that looked odd. But I did another test and it looked alright so......... we might just use the simple looking one again :D
I really like these designs for the boy. Its got the asian influence there but also looks like it can pull off a nice variety of facial expressions (unlike a lot of animes).
Maybe something we can try is to play with possible head gears like a ribbon or a hair band? Something that can make him a little more interesting looking that can let us into his personality more.
Perhaps the answer is in his hair style? Scruffy bed-heads showing his untidiness (like a schoolboy), or spikey hair because he thinks he's 'cool?' Go nuts!:P
Keith, yeah, theyre around 18. I'd like some kind of hint of a nose. It may be a small hint too. But the girl may not need one, we'll need more tests on that. Do girls breathe anyway?lol