Friday 20 June 2008

More videos

Back around pitching time I found this video of a pilot called Kung Fu Love from Studio 4c. I like some of the animation for the fighting. Theres an interesting use of cg particle effects for the snowflakes. Maybe something to look at for the cherry blossom petals?

Heres a video from the game Heavenly Sword. The leaf looks good on this. Got a kind of AfterEffects look to it.

Heres a section from the film God of Cookery. Its from Stephen Chow, the guy from Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle. His comedy style and general quirkiness is something that inspired me. I based the boy's personality on his. Anyway in this video I wanted you to have a look at one part that starts from 2:08 and ends at 3:42. Its a scene that I think describes the boy's personality well.

I remembered an advert from Lynx I saw ages ago that had a similar subject matter to our film.

A while back I saw this video that gave me ideas. I wanted the relationship between the characters to be similar to the one we can see in this video. Something playful rather than aggressive. And yes, I took the part in 2:14 but put a kung fu tist to it. The girl's personality could be close to the girl in this video. Something graceful and flirty. But shes also strong.


Keith said...

Cool, took me a bit to get through all that lot.
The studio 4c kung fu love was pretty cool, seen it before at Ray's. I guess we'dhave to talk to Mr Turner about doing an after effects thing for the blossom leaves, would definitely be useul. The way the leaves were done in Heavenly sword looked pretty neat too like you said.
Lol, God of Cookery looks crazyly funny XD, gotta some how watch that somewhere, I love his humor. Thanks for those vids for refrence on the boy, they're going to be very useful for helping with his designs and acting. Oh one question, do you want the acting of the characters to be very chinese, mimicking chinese actors in hong kong films or would they have a more western way of acting or somewhere in the middle?
Cool Lynx ad XD btw.
Good reference on the Fantasia clip too, will be extremely useful, I'll get some drawings done at a later stage of the two characters interacting in various ways. Nice stuff Ben

Ben Ho said...

I got a collection of Stephen Chow films. We can watch it sometime with the gang.
I think the acting will be quite westernized. Think of Stephen Chow really. His facial expressions are great too.
Oh! Ive been looking at martial arts vids on youtube too. Theres some good referances on how to do the moves properly. Like, if youre throwing a punch you would put your whole body into it - twisting the shoulders, hips and all the way down to the toes.

Keith said...

Yeah that sounds great, would be cool to see those fims in cantonese for a change.
Cool, I don't start wushu kung fu drawings until the week after next according to my timetable, but if you could send me the link to that youtube video I'll keep it as reference. Thnx