Friday 20 June 2008


I like the lines on this piece from the Okami artbook. If we can replicate this line quality thatll be greaaat! Ive spoke to Parr before about brush clean up and he said the animation could flicker cause its hard to keep the continuity in brush lines. Best way to decide is to try it and see what we get. If the ink stuff doesnt work, Im sure a combination of thick and thin pencils can mimic the varietion (ive got a 0.3mm and a 0.9mm mechanical pencil that works well together in this way).


Keith said...

Hmm yeah, good thinking that man! or should I say, BATMAN!.....nice okami concepts, do you own the art of book?

Ben Ho said...

Kinda ;) but yeah!

Keith said...

Ohhh Hahahaha, I can imagine ;)

Tegan Jephcott said...

Could we use pen and ink? Instead of brush pens, use dip pens? We can get the different sized nibs so we would get interesting line-quality, and might be more consistent than brush pens? Actually I have no idea if it would be, maybe a little more. Just those illustrations look like nibs rather than brushes...

Ben Ho said...

You have a point as pointy as a nib! The best way to find out is to try it. But a worry I have about it is that the lines may flicker in the animation. But we'll see.

Keith said...

Yeah,dip pens sounds nice too, I'm only afraid of the dripping on the pages, but they could have a nicer line quality to them, not so extreme as the brush pens but till with that wavy changing line thickness.