Thursday 25 September 2008

Productionish Stillish

Heres an idea of what teh production still might look like. This is mainly a mock up to show how the layout and characters could fit together. I used the blur effect I explained to TJ to creat a kind of depth of field look. Enjoy!


Taaj said...

looking good and im assuming all the people in the dojo will have same costume on but not rolled up sleeves so its not to obvious we are trying to make him stand out it coming together i will start working on the girl when i adjust the boy

Ben Ho said...

Yar!!! The colours of the other costumes may be duller than the main character so he will stand out more. Their uniform could be smarter too.
Dunno if we should make too much model sheets for these guys since they only appear for a few scenes and one guy may be animating each of them.
So we can design them but dont worry too much about everyone drawing them the same :D