Saturday 25 October 2008

Girly Stuff

Well, here it is. Finally! Some model sheets for the girl. And some concepts that Hozen did. All we need now are a few angles of the face and the constructions for it. And I think we can call the model sheets all done after that. For the next two weeks, the plan is to practice the characters and perform some animation tests. Try drawing the three characters in poses, try get some dynamic ones and get the whole body moving with the action. Apply a few facial expressions too. The details dont really matter, as long as you can nail down the proportions of each characters you wont notice if the shoes are actually wrong! BUT! The face is the only detail we cant get away with. That is why we must pay extra attention to their faces.
So the main areas are: The full body proportions and the face.
Animation tests are also going on for a day or two towards the end of the 2 weeks. The idea is to get you working under a time limit (10 min) so you will have to think about the overall form rather than little details from the start.
Tegan, you can continue with the production still as part of this. And if you can bring in the sheets with the eyes and hands, I can scan them all in for everyone. So in the coming weeks you can expect a crew-pack to be ready for you :) W00t! Its nearly 2am, I got to research my essay... Chow!
EDIT: Added a new image there that I forgot about.


Tegan Jephcott said...

Do her sleaves cover her hands, and does she have a bit of a ponytail at the back of her head or was that just some construction lines?

Ben Ho said...

Her sleeves reveal her fingers, so it covers most of her palm. No, she doesnt have any ponytail. Thats probably the neck behind the hair.
A note on the secondary actions on her. The sleeves can be quite rigid most of the time and not flap too much. May be just in big movements though. The hair should flow a bit but not crazily! You can try give it the impression of it flowing without actually making it realistic. For the dress, if you look at videos of these dress moving in a catwalk their shape dont change dramatically and they move pretty quick.

Tegan Jephcott said...

If she's moving about in the air though, the dress is going to move and flap quite a lot? At least when she is falling I think it would. The force of her falling down is going to make her dress flap up, same with her hair. I think if you don't exagerate them enough it'll look really rigid. Also, her dress is two panels that are split, they're not a tube like a dress is so there'd be some more movement anyway?

If she's running or something like that though the shape then will probably stay more to how it is, just flow out behind her a bit or what have you.

It seems difficult to find references for it though so it's hard to tell!

Ben Ho said...

Yeah, thats what I meant. For the big movements we can go and exaggerate them. But its harder in the more slower movements so Im thinking this is what we can do for those smaller movements.
Yes, the skirt has 2 splits. Try looking up 'Cheong Sam' on youtube for videos of the dress in motion.

Taaj said...

i think the girl construction is fine i can practice that but the there is something about here that does not mach up to the flexibility of the old man and the boy and the girl will be doing most of the fliping so she will need to be more flexible then what i see here or that may just come down to getting it in the right pose i guess but we need to keep an eye on that, speaking of eyes i think the eyes are a bit to anime for my liking i think maybe westernizing it a bit so its got that in the middle feel maybe i still think this girl needs allot of developing in my opinion ben but the construction is pretty much there so maybe we can practice that until her face and other things are resolved witch should not take long as the construction is

Ben Ho said...

We'll talk about that in class then. Its easier when we can sit down together and pencil our ideas out :)

Taaj said...


Ben Ho said...

But I think the figure is flexible enough for all the dramatic moves she makes. I just suck at drawing them ;) So the main thing to think about is the face. TJ, maybe you can have a go at it. I remember you drawing the girl in a pretty good style that was quite simple too.

Taaj said...

yea i we can talk about all that on monday i guess

Tegan Jephcott said...

The biggest problem that I can see is that the girls head is the same size as her body. The boys head goes into his body at least twice, and his shoulders are also wider than her head, unlike hers.

Ben Ho said...

Yes the boy's chest is longer than the girl's. That was something I did deliberately cause I wanted her legs to be longer. Kinda similar to that manikin we have in the studio. She is a tiny bit taller than the boy but it shouldnt be a problem. And I tried to avoid big shoulders for the girl. In general drawing, broad shoulders tend to make people look more manly.

Tegan Jephcott said...

Ah I see. Her head still is the same size as her body though, length fair enough but width, looks a bit weird.

Betty said...

She looks stoned in the fourth drawing down :p