Thursday 24 July 2008

Girly Hair

I did a few sketches, experimenting with possible hairstyles for the girl. I personally prefer the more modern styles over the traditional Chinese buns. Incorporating modern elements into our film might make it edgier.

For the style, I kind of went in a more realistic direction.


Ben Ho said...

Yea, the double buns reminds me too much of Chung Li from street fighter. So we shouldnt go that way. Keith used the single bun pretty well, so maybe see how you can incorperate that to see how it looks.
The other designs work well too. Maybe try lengthening it a bi to again see what effect we get. But I really like how its drawn. Good going!!

Zen said...

Glad u like it. As for the style, do u think it's something we could go for? I could do drawings of the boy to match the style too. Its fairly anime inspired and people who aren't used to the style might find it a bit difficult to draw (the same way I find western styles really difficult).

Ben Ho said...

Thats the trouble. Personally, I'd like to go somewhere close to this style. But its probably too different from what everyone else is used to.
Maybe we can simplify it a little more?