Friday 14 November 2008

Phase Two!

OK guys. You have braved your way up to this point, as we prepare to say good bye to the comforts of pre-production. Now, I ask you to brave through this stage. The meat of the production! Animation can fully begin on Wednesday. Before then... We are thinking of meeting at my house on Sunday 1pm. And we can film some references n work out some of the acting to help us as guidelines.
The composer said he will get us some music samples soon. I have timed the animatic as close to the way I want it. Some of the acting may mean we have to expand the timing a bit. But stick to the time on the animatic until I checked the animation and think there needs to be more frames involved.
Spoke to Paul Hilton this week. He is happy about how the team is going despite some hard time they tried to give us :D So keep up the good work! We can do it!!!!

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